ytstudying is now in beta access!

    Ace your exams and work smarter with AI-powered studying.

    Students get exam-ready faster with ytstudying, and professionals save hours every week. ytstudying helps you ask questions, summarize content, and generate quizzes - all in one place.

    📚 Master Any Topic

    Ask the AI Tutor questions from your study materials and get instant answers to ace your exams.

    ⏳ Save Hours

    Summarize reports and extract key insights in seconds.

    🧠 Build Confidence with Active Learning

    Test yourself with custom quizzes generated by the AI Tutor from your study materials and retake them until you’re ready.

    Easily upload your own documents or explore our curated library of student resources.

    Get started
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    Start chatting in minutes

    Chatting to your PDF files has never been easier than with ytstudying.

    1. Step 1Sign up for an accountEither starting out with a free plan or choose our plus plan.
    2. Step 2Upload your PDF file or select a document from the student resourcesWe'll process your file and make it ready for you to chat with.
    3. Step 3Start asking questions and generating quizzesIt's that simple. Try out ytstudying today - it really takes less than a minute.
    uploading preview

    About ytstudying

    Transforming the way students and professionals interact with educational content

    Our Mission

    To make document interaction more intuitive and efficient through innovative AI technology, enabling users to extract insights and knowledge quickly and effectively.

    Our Vision

    To become the leading platform for intelligent document interaction, revolutionizing how people learn from and work with their educational materials.

    Our Values

    Innovation, accessibility, and user privacy guide everything we do. We're committed to providing secure, reliable, and user-friendly solutions.

    Our Story

    Founded in 2024, ytstudying emerged from a simple observation: students and professionals spend countless hours trying to extract information from PDF documents. We believed there had to be a better way. Through cutting-edge AI technology and a passion for innovation, we developed a platform that transforms how people interact with their documents. Today, we're proud to serve thousands of users worldwide, helping them save time and gain deeper insights from their educational materials.

    Contact Us

    Have questions? We'd love to hear from you.

    Upper Hill
    Nairobi, KE 00202
    +(254) 791-375-407
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